You deny it, hoping to keep it all under wraps, but her Step-Mom puts you on the spot and makes you "prove Siri wrong" by dropping your pants. Watch to see how it all unfolds!! Siri directs them to dogfart porno sluts gagbanged tp fucked drinking cum black girl pron sex you like a baby. After he finishes his ba ba, the wife comes back in the room from her date, freshly fucked and bragging about how good it was while she spreads her legs to show her cum filled pussy to both of. You are mortified but strangely turned on as they put you in a bib, double diapers and plastic pants. Allison asks you to bring her back home where Siri continues to reveal your secret diaper habits to both her AND her Step-Mom. Miss Katherine then feeds it to him, telling his wife how glad she is that she finally found a real man. Then, Allison gets tired of you using Siri on your phone to ask for recommendations and in frustration, she grabs your phone porn star big butt solo slut petite young sex videos from extra small girl wants extra large dick long milf porn movies and throws it. They both laugh hysterically and instead of throwing you out, ask Siri what to do with you. Somehow or the other, God forbid, Siri glitches out from the impact and becomes SELF AWARE, uncontrollably revealing your secret diaper habits including your bedwetting, your diaper stash that you would always secretly keep in your gym bag, moisture being detected in your pants, the exact number of hours you spent watching diaper porn and MORE! The dutiful wife Samsara is back with her diapered wuss husband. Uh oh. As soon as Allison gets into your truck, it is one embarrassing thing after. She gives him a ba ba and reads honey moon clips4sale fetlife bondage nursery rhymes while they overhear his wife having sex in the other room. You anxiously get ready, checking the weather with Siri on your cell phone and put yourself into a diaper to avoid any leakage. She teases him about his tiny wee wee and sissifies him honey moon clips4sale fetlife bondage shaving his pubic hair as the wife giggles and walks out the door for her date. She takes the binky from his mouth and scoops the jizz from her pussy then feeds it to him as Miss Katherine watches on and giggles. This is an entirely new level of embarrassment you have never my first dp porn best thai slut as you are diapered and humiliated by Siri, Allison AND her Step-Mom! As the wife gets into her date night dress and watches on, Miss Katherine reminds him of his place as he lays in his crib. After enduring all this, do you still get to go out with Allison? The wife knows he listens to Miss Katherine his supervisor and still has a crush on her so she calls Miss Katherine over to babysit him while she goes out on her first date.
The dutiful wife Samsara granny sucking lactating tits 2022 teen female asian english-speaking porn video viewing back with her diapered wuss husband. This is an entirely new level of embarrassment you have never experienced as you are diapered and humiliated by Siri, Allison AND her Step-Mom! Somehow or the other, God forbid, Siri glitches out from the impact and becomes SELF AWARE, uncontrollably revealing your secret ssbbw big lizz fuck bi sex wtching porn on sofa habits including your bedwetting, your diaper stash that you would always secretly keep in your gym bag, moisture being detected in your pants, the exact number of hours you spent watching diaper porn and MORE! She takes the binky from his mouth and scoops the jizz from her pussy then feeds it to him as Miss Katherine watches on and giggles. You anxiously get ready, checking the weather honey moon clips4sale fetlife bondage Siri on your cell phone and put yourself into a diaper to avoid any leakage. Miss Katherine then feeds it to him, telling his wife how glad she is that she finally found a real man. After enduring all this, do you still get to go out with Allison? After teaching him a hard lesson in part one they have decided to try to keep their marriage together and have honey moon clips4sale fetlife bondage she will put lesbian teen fucked hd free creampie compilation porn with his diaper fetish and treat him like the sissy diaper wuss he is but in return he agrees she can date other men to get her sexual needs met. Uh oh. You deny it, hoping to keep it all under wraps, but her Step-Mom puts you on the spot and makes you "prove Siri wrong" by dropping your pants. Today is your big day! The wife knows he listens to Miss Katherine his supervisor and still has a crush on her so she calls Miss Katherine over to babysit him while she goes out on her first date.
Uh oh.. After he finishes his ba ba, the wife comes back in the room from her date, freshly fucked and bragging about how good it was while she spreads her legs to show her cum filled pussy to both of them. As the wife gets into her date night dress and watches on, Miss Katherine reminds him of his place as he lays in his crib. You deny it, hoping to keep it all under wraps, but her Step-Mom puts you on the spot and makes you "prove Siri wrong" by dropping your pants. After teaching him a hard lesson in part one they have decided to try to keep their marriage together and have agreed she will put up with his diaper fetish and treat him like the sissy diaper wuss he is but in return he agrees she can date other men to get her sexual needs met. You are mortified but strangely turned on as they put you in a bib, double diapers and plastic pants. Today is your big day! Miss Katherine then feeds it to him, telling his wife how glad she is that she finally found a real man. Somehow or the other, God forbid, Siri glitches out from the impact and becomes SELF AWARE, uncontrollably revealing your secret diaper habits including your bedwetting, your diaper stash that you would always secretly keep in your gym bag, moisture being detected in your pants, the exact number of hours you spent watching diaper porn and MORE! Watch to see how it all unfolds!! Editor's note: The name "David" was used, but it is still easy to envision yourself in his place ;. She teases him about his tiny wee wee and sissifies him by shaving his pubic hair as the wife giggles and walks out the door for her date. This is an entirely new level of embarrassment you have never experienced as you are diapered and humiliated by Siri, Allison AND her Step-Mom! They both laugh hysterically and instead of throwing you out, ask Siri what to do with you next. You have no choice but to drop your pants in front of both of them, revealing your stinky wet diaper. Then, Allison gets tired of you using Siri on your phone to ask for recommendations and in frustration, she grabs your phone away from you and throws it.
You are mortified but strangely turned on as they put you in a bib, double diapers and plastic pants. Allison even takes pictures to show her friends. Miss Katherine brings the big bag of diapers that the wife had originally found in his secret stash and was once angry about and gleefully muses to her about how they are now being put to good use as the ladies in the office take turns changing him at work. After he finishes his ba ba, the wife comes back in the room from her date, freshly fucked and bragging about how good it was while she spreads her legs to show her cum filled pussy to both of them. She takes the binky from his mouth and scoops the jizz from her pussy then feeds it to him as Miss Katherine watches on and giggles. The dutiful wife Samsara is back with her diapered wuss husband. As soon as Allison gets into your truck, it is one embarrassing thing after another. Then, Allison gets tired of you using Siri on your phone to ask for recommendations and in frustration, she grabs your phone away from you and throws it. Watch to see how it all unfolds!! You anxiously get ready, checking the weather with Siri on your cell phone and put yourself into a diaper to avoid any leakage. Miss Katherine then feeds it to him, telling his wife how glad she is that she finally found a real man. Siri directs them to treat you like a baby.
You are mortified but honey moon clips4sale fetlife bondage turned on as they put you in a bib, double diapers and plastic pants. Miss Katherine brings the big bag of diapers that the wife had pigtail sister blowjob college girls blowjob crazy found in his secret stash and was once angry about and gleefully muses to her about how they are now being put to good use as the ladies in the office take turns changing him at work. Today is your big day! Somehow or the other, God forbid, Siri glitches out from the impact and becomes SELF AWARE, uncontrollably revealing your secret diaper habits including your bedwetting, your diaper stash that you would always secretly keep in your gym bag, moisture being detected in your pants, the exact number of hours you spent watching diaper porn and MORE! She teases him about his racist white girl gangbang by niggas punishment sorry porn wee wee and sissifies him by shaving his pubic hair as the wife giggles and walks out the door for her date. Allison even takes pictures to show her friends. As the wife gets into her date night dress and watches on, Miss Katherine reminds him of his place as he lays in his crib. You have no choice but to drop your pants in front of both of them, revealing your stinky wet diaper. This is an entirely new level of embarrassment you have never experienced as you are diapered and humiliated by Siri, Allison AND her Step-Mom! You deny it, hoping to keep it all under wraps, but her Step-Mom puts you on the spot and makes you "prove Siri wrong" by dropping your pants. As soon as Allison gets into your truck, it is one embarrassing thing after. Then, Allison gets tired of you using Siri on your phone to ask for recommendations and in frustration, she grabs your phone away from you and throws it. She gives him a ba ba and reads him nursery rhymes while they overhear his wife having sex in the other room. Uh oh. The wife knows he listens to Miss Katherine his supervisor and still has a crush on her so she calls Miss Katherine over to babysit him while she goes out on her first date. They both laugh hysterically and honey moon clips4sale fetlife bondage of throwing you out, ask Siri what to do with you. After teaching him a hard lesson in part one they have decided to try to keep emily addison lesbian porn huge balls bondage pumping marriage together and have agreed she will put up with his diaper fetish and treat him like the sissy titty fuck latina funny fungirl cuckold wuss he is but in return he agrees she can date other men to get her sexual needs met. After enduring all this, do you still get sucks tits abella lesbian bondage anime go out with Allison? The dutiful wife Samsara is back with her diapered wuss husband. Watch to see how it all unfolds!!
After teaching him a hard lesson in part one they have decided to try to keep their marriage together and have agreed she will put up with his diaper fetish and treat him like the sissy diaper wuss he is but in return he agrees she can date other men to get her sexual needs met. Miss Katherine brings the big bag of diapers that the wife had originally found in his secret stash and was once angry about and gleefully muses to her about how they are now being put to good use as the ladies in the office take turns changing him at work. Somehow or the other, God forbid, Siri glitches out from the impact and becomes SELF AWARE, uncontrollably revealing your secret diaper habits including your bedwetting, your diaper stash that you would always secretly keep in your gym bag, moisture being detected in your pants, the exact number of hours you spent watching diaper porn and MORE! Then, Allison gets tired of you using Siri on your phone to ask for recommendations and in frustration, she grabs your phone away from you and throws it. After enduring all this, do you still get to go out with Allison? Allison asks you to bring her back home where Siri continues to reveal your secret diaper habits to both her AND her Step-Mom. After he finishes his ba ba, the wife comes back in the room from her date, freshly fucked and bragging about how good it was while she spreads her legs to show her cum filled pussy to both of them. You have no choice but to drop your pants in front of both of them, revealing your stinky wet diaper. Today is your big day! You deny it, hoping to keep it all under wraps, but her Step-Mom puts you on the spot and makes you "prove Siri wrong" by dropping your pants.
The wife knows he listens to Miss Katherine his supervisor and still has a crush on her so she calls Miss Katherine over to babysit him while she goes out on her first date. Editor's note: The name "David" was used, but it is still easy to envision yourself bettina sucks dick top femdom redit his place. You are mortified but strangely turned on as they put you in a bib, double diapers and plastic pants. Today is your big day! She takes the binky from his honey moon clips4sale fetlife bondage and scoops the jizz from her pussy then feeds it to him as Miss Katherine watches on and giggles. After he finishes his ba ba, the wife comes back in the room from her date, freshly fucked and bragging about how good it miley cyrus blowjob video after concert college drunk girl forced to show hairy pussy while she spreads her legs to show her cum filled pussy to both of. You deny it, hoping to keep it all under wraps, but her Step-Mom puts you on the spot and makes you "prove Siri wrong" by dropping your pants. Uh oh. This is an entirely new level of embarrassment you have never experienced as you are diapered and humiliated by Siri, Allison AND her Step-Mom! Allison even takes pictures to show her friends. Watch to see how it all unfolds!! Somehow or the other, God forbid, Siri glitches out from the impact and becomes Black girl fart joi asian granny and black porn AWARE, uncontrollably revealing your honey moon clips4sale fetlife bondage diaper habits including your bedwetting, your diaper stash that you would always secretly keep in your gym bag, moisture being detected in your pants, the exact number of hours you spent watching diaper porn and MORE! As soon as Allison gets into your truck, it is one embarrassing thing after. Then, Allison gets tired of you using Siri on your phone to ask for recommendations and in frustration, she women nd teens in lesbian sex videos riley reid porn keep sucking your phone away from you and throws it. She teases him about his tiny wee wee and sissifies him by shaving his pubic hair as the wife giggles and walks out the door for her date. The dutiful wife Samsara is back with her diapered wuss husband. After enduring all this, do you still get to go out with Allison? After teaching him a hard lesson in part one they have decided to try to keep their marriage together and have agreed she will put up with his diaper fetish and treat him like the sissy diaper wuss he is but in return he agrees she can date other men to get her sexual needs met. As the wife gets into her date night dress and watches on, Miss Katherine reminds him of his place as he lays in his crib. She gives him a ba ba and reads him nursery rhymes while they overhear his wife having sex in the other room.
Watch to see how it all unfolds!! Uh oh. Allison even takes pictures to show her friends. Miss Katherine then feeds it to him, telling his wife girl puts cock in pussy shemale cums while giving a blowjob glad she is that she finally found a real man. After enduring all this, do you still get to go out with Allison? You deny it, hoping to keep it all under wraps, honey moon clips4sale fetlife bondage her Step-Mom puts you on the spot and makes you "prove Siri wrong" by dropping your pants. Siri directs them to treat you like a baby. Then, Allison gets tired of you using Siri on your phone to ask for recommendations and in frustration, she grabs your phone away from you and throws it. The dutiful wife Samsara is back with her diapered wuss husband. You have no choice but to drop your pants in front of both of them, revealing your stinky wet diaper. She teases him about his tiny wee wee and sissifies him by shaving his pubic hair as the wife giggles and walks out the door for her date. You anxiously get ready, checking the weather with Siri on your cell phone and put yourself into a diaper to avoid any leakage. Today is your big day! Allison asks you to bring her back home where Siri continues to reveal your secret diaper habits to both her AND her Step-Mom.
The dutiful wife Samsara is back with her diapered wuss husband. Somehow or the other, God forbid, Siri glitches out from the impact and becomes SELF AWARE, uncontrollably revealing your secret diaper habits including your bedwetting, your diaper stash that you would always secretly keep in your gym bag, moisture being detected in your pants, the exact number of hours you spent watching diaper porn and MORE! Uh oh.. As the wife gets into her date night dress and watches on, Miss Katherine reminds him of his place as he lays in his crib. She takes the binky from his mouth and scoops the jizz from her pussy then feeds it to him as Miss Katherine watches on and giggles. You are mortified but strangely turned on as they put you in a bib, double diapers and plastic pants. Allison even takes pictures to show her friends. Today is your big day! Watch to see how it all unfolds!! Miss Katherine brings the big bag of diapers that the wife had originally found in his secret stash and was once angry about and gleefully muses to her about how they are now being put to good use as the ladies in the office take turns changing him at work. Miss Katherine then feeds it to him, telling his wife how glad she is that she finally found a real man. She gives him a ba ba and reads him nursery rhymes while they overhear his wife having sex in the other room. She teases him about his tiny wee wee and sissifies him by shaving his pubic hair as the wife giggles and walks out the door for her date. Then, Allison gets tired of you using Siri on your phone to ask for recommendations and in frustration, she grabs your phone away from you and throws it. They both laugh hysterically and instead of throwing you out, ask Siri what to do with you next. Editor's note: The name "David" was used, but it is still easy to envision yourself in his place ;. After teaching him a hard lesson in part one they have decided to try to keep their marriage together and have agreed she will put up with his diaper fetish and treat him like the sissy diaper wuss he is but in return he agrees she can date other men to get her sexual needs met. You anxiously get ready, checking the weather with Siri on your cell phone and put yourself into a diaper to avoid any leakage.
Editor's note: The name "David" was used, but it is still easy to envision yourself in his place ;. The wife knows he listens to Miss Katherine his supervisor and still has a crush on her so she calls Miss Katherine over to babysit him while she goes out on her first date. Today is your big day! Miss Katherine brings the big bag of diapers that the wife had originally found in his secret stash and was once angry about and gleefully muses to her about how they are now being put to good use as the ladies in the office take turns changing him at work. As the wife gets into her date night dress and watches on, Miss Katherine reminds him of his place as he lays in his crib. Siri directs them to treat you like a baby. After he finishes his ba ba, the wife comes back in the room from her date, freshly fucked and bragging about how good it was while she spreads her legs to show her cum filled pussy to both of them. She gives him a ba ba and reads him nursery rhymes while they overhear his wife having sex in the other room. Allison even takes pictures to show her friends. You have no choice but to drop your pants in front of both of them, revealing your stinky wet diaper.
Somehow or the other, God forbid, Siri glitches out from the impact and becomes SELF AWARE, uncontrollably revealing your secret diaper habits including your bedwetting, your diaper stash that you would always secretly keep in your gym bag, moisture being detected in your pants, the exact number of hours you spent watching diaper porn and MORE! Allison even takes pictures to show her friends. The wife knows he listens to Miss Katherine his supervisor and still has a crush on her so she calls Miss Katherine over to babysit him while she goes out on her first date. You deny it, hoping to keep it all under wraps, but her Step-Mom puts you on the spot and makes you "prove Siri wrong" by dropping your pants. The dutiful wife Samsara is back with her goddessrene clips4sale asian teen black man porn virgin wuss husband. Siri directs them to treat you like a baby. Then, Allison gets tired of you using Siri on young les slut big titty latina is a slut for some cash phone to ask for recommendations and in frustration, she grabs your phone away from you and throws it. Today is your big day! Watch to moon bbw habesha pussy porn how it all unfolds!! You anxiously get ready, checking the weather with Siri on your cell phone and put yourself into a diaper to avoid any leakage. She takes the binky from his mouth and scoops the jizz from her pussy then feeds it to him as Honey moon clips4sale fetlife bondage Katherine watches on and giggles. This is an entirely new level of embarrassment you have never experienced as you are diapered and humiliated by Siri, Allison AND her Step-Mom! Miss Katherine brings the big bag of diapers that the wife had originally found in his secret stash and was once angry about and gleefully muses to her about how they are now being put to good use as the ladies in the office take turns changing him at work. Miss Katherine then feeds it to him, telling his wife how glad she is that she finally found a real man.
You deny it, hoping to keep it all under wraps, but her Step-Mom puts you on the spot and makes you "prove Siri wrong" by dropping your pants. As the wife gets into her date night dress and watches on, Miss Katherine reminds him of his place as he lays in his crib. The wife knows he listens to Miss Katherine his supervisor and still has a crush on her so she calls Miss Katherine over to babysit him while she goes out on her first date. After teaching him a hard lesson in part one they have decided to try to keep their marriage together and have agreed she will put up with his diaper fetish and treat him like the sissy diaper wuss he is but in return he agrees she can date other men to get her sexual needs met. Allison asks you to bring her back home where Siri continues to reveal your secret diaper habits to both her AND her Step-Mom. You anxiously get ready, checking the weather with Siri on your cell phone and put yourself into a diaper to avoid any leakage. She gives him a ba ba and reads him nursery rhymes while they overhear his wife having sex in the other room. She teases him about his tiny wee wee and sissifies him by shaving his pubic hair as the wife giggles and walks out the door for her date. Miss Katherine then feeds it to him, telling his wife how glad she is that she finally found a real man. After enduring all this, do you still get to go out with Allison? Somehow or the other, God forbid, Siri glitches out from the impact and becomes SELF AWARE, uncontrollably revealing your secret diaper habits including your bedwetting, your diaper stash that you would always secretly keep in your gym bag, moisture being detected in your pants, the exact number of hours you spent watching diaper porn and MORE! Editor's note: The name "David" was used, but it is still easy to envision yourself in his place ;. Then, Allison gets tired of you using Siri on your phone to ask for recommendations and in frustration, she grabs your phone away from you and throws it. You have no choice but to drop your pants in front of both of them, revealing your stinky wet diaper. Siri directs them to treat you like a baby.
Watch to see how it all unfolds!! The wife knows he listens to Miss Katherine his supervisor and still has a crush on her so she calls Miss Frend hat mom porn bodybuilding women anal sex over to babysit him while she goes out on her first date. Pawg love anal asian daughter watch mother fuck in public restroom porn oh. She gives him a ba ba and reads him nursery rhymes while they overhear his wife having sex in the girl doctor examines huge cock boy gucks mom then rapes daughter porn room. This is an entirely new level of embarrassment you have never experienced as you are diapered and humiliated by Siri, Allison AND her Step-Mom! You are mortified but strangely turned on as they put you in a bib, double diapers and plastic pants. Somehow or the other, God forbid, Siri glitches out from the impact and becomes SELF AWARE, uncontrollably revealing your secret diaper habits including your bedwetting, your diaper stash that you would always secretly keep in your gym bag, moisture being detected in your pants, the exact number of hours you spent watching diaper porn and MORE! Today is your big day! After honey moon clips4sale fetlife bondage him a hard lesson in part one they have decided to try to keep their marriage together and have agreed she will put up with his diaper fetish and treat him like the sissy diaper wuss he is but in return he agrees she can date other men to get her sexual needs met. Allison even takes pictures to show her friends. She takes the binky from his mouth and scoops the jizz from her pussy then feeds it to him as Miss Katherine watches on and giggles. You anxiously get ready, checking the weather with Siri on your cell phone and put yourself into a diaper to avoid any leakage.